Degenerative conditions such as cancers, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, food allergies, and many other complex medical health problems are often caused by a combination of imbalances and/or toxicities affecting normal biochemical functions or pathways.
When developing NMEs or other new targeted interventions to solve or prevent medical problems, the use of comprehensive medical & metabolic testing on specific patient groups provides the best way to determine if important biochemical functions or pathways are working properly or not. Such pathways might be involved in regulating nutrient delivery to cells, energy production, oxygen uptake & transport, detoxification, and/or immune system response, etc.
Comprehensive metabolic testing can be used for research purposes in many ways:
- to identify highly effective & patentable targeted interventions for specific patient groups from detailed biochemical analysis of biomarkers and lifestyle habits of those patient groups. Follow-up testing allows the research team and to monitor patient improvements and to make the necessary adjustments to the treatment protocol.
- to identify biochemical effects associated with experimental medical interventions early on in the development process, reducing the chances for failure once a new drug or therapy reaches the most expensive phases of clinical testing.
- to demonstrate specific biochemical cause & effect necessary for patent development of NMEs and/or targeted nutritional formulas.
- to identify previously unknown biochemical effects associated with specific food consumption and/or lifestyle habits.
- to identify previously unknown biochemical effects associated with existing medical Rx ad/or other interventions in use today.
Paragon Credo for Innovation in Research
- Partner with world class companies and researchers
- Create small, highly dynamic RD&D teams
- Generate continuous innovation through:
- continuous research & analysis of current gold standards in testing & intervention
- development of new more balanced interventions based on that research
- rigorous clinical testing & improvement of such interventions
- To produce:
- new & cost-effective medical treatments
- products for widespread use & global commercial development
- patents & marketing strategy to allow such development
Background for Researchers and Physicians
Paragon offers the first comprehensive cross-referencing and analysis of:
- a patient group’s conventional medical blood work,
- metabolic test results on over 200 biomarkers and toxins
- a patient group’s symptoms, diet, and lifestyle habits
For details on how this testing & analysis can be quickly used to pinpoint potential nutritional, biochemical, and/or environmental origins of degenerative disease please see: How Paragon’s Comprehensive Metabolic Testing & Analysis is Done.
Metabolic testing and analysis of specific patient groups enables the formulation of nutritional and/or other biochemical Targeted Interventions designed to arrest and often reverse disease. Initial testing & analysis of a patient group may also indicate if additional research may be valuable based on the specific results of those test findings. See Other Research Services.
Medical research shows cellular systems controlling genetic expression (that affects most disease states) are primarily controlled by the foods and other chemicals ingested, and by levels of physical & mental activity — not a patient group’s inherited genetics themselves.7,8 Metabolic testing of a patient group’s bio-chemical pathways can indicate the source and solutions to that patient group’s health problems.9
The ongoing use of advanced metabolic testing in clinical research is revealing potential interventions for many other conditions.
Extensive research and preliminary clinical evidence already indicates:
- specific targeted interventions and medical enterals are badly needed to treat:
- stroke
- other neurological, cardiac, and pulmonary conditions
- bacterial infections
- the development of targeted nutritionals and advanced hospital and outpatient nutritionals
- will be inexpensive
- will dramatically improve patient outcomes
- significantly reduce hospital recovery times
See Reversal of Neurological Damage And Acute Metabolic Irregularities Using A Modified Medical Enteral Nutritional.
Point Summary of How Metabolic Testing is Conducted in Research
Typical research goals:
- to describe the nutritional and toxicological status of patient groups suffering with the same condition.
- to assess the association between nutritional and toxicological status and/ or current Rx intervention with incidence/prevalence of disease.
- to identify feasible interventions that will decrease the risk of that disease by modifying nutritional behaviour, toxicological exposure, and/or current Rx intervention, and/or, by developing a NME for treatment of such disease.
- to identify potential NMEs for interventions that will decrease the risk of that disease.
- to translate the results into possible interventions and/or policy recommendations
- to conduct risk — benefit and cost-effectiveness assessment of implementing the recommended interventions.
Toxicological and nutritional assessments of patient groups with specific diseases (approx 200 biomarkers).
- Conventional laboratory tests
- Covered under routine care and provincial health care systems
- Wide spectrum metabolic testing
- 100 + bio-markers: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids, environmental toxin exposure markers, intestinal microbial balance markers
- Porphyrin Panel
- determines health disruptions due to heavy metals & organotoxins
- GI
- DNA analysis to identify microbiota with 100% accuracy including anaerobes
- Trace Element Analysis with HTMA
- Measurement and analysis of 30 nutritional and 8 toxic elements
Such studies will demonstrate:
- nutritional and toxicological status of disease groups is below what is considered “healthy”
- regional variation may be present
- social economic variation can also be revealed
- poor nutritional and high toxicological status may be correlated or may co-exist
- poor nutritional and high toxicological status is associated with high risk of serious chronic diseases
- potential undesired side effects due to specific Rx or OTC therapies may be correlated or may co-exist
Further, that interventions beyond the scope of conventional or currently practiced preventive medicine are required to ensure serious disease risk reduction.
Identify most cost - effective interventions with maximum impact.
9 Bralley, J. Alexander PhD, C.C.N, Richard S. Lord, PhD, Laboratory Evaluations in Molecular Medicine, Nutrients, Toxicants, and Cell Regulators, The Institute for Advances in Molecular Medicine, Norcross GA, 2005