Management & Advisory

Sam Bock, Founder, President, CEO, ParagonSciences

ParagonSciences a private R&D, manufacturing, and consulting company formed in 1989.  Its innovative research programs have allowed it to help design, develop, and manufacture world leading technologies and/or provide important scientific discoveries and technical analysis in a wide range of fields, spanning energy production, climate science, medicine, and sport. 

Mr. Bock coordinates both ParagonSceinces’s and Paragon Power's scientific research, project development & planning, technology RD&D, engineering strategy, and leads the organization of management, engineering, and technical teams related to the commercialization of new technologies. In 2008 ParagonSciences began 5 years of research and development work on a new power generation technology being privately developed in the United States. In 2013 Paragon Power Plant Systems Ltd. was incorporated independently of ParagonSciences to distribute this revolutionary new power system in Canada.

Mr. Bock received a degree in Economics and Environmental Science from Middlebury College in 1982. His study of particle physics and chemistry led to his disagreeing with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the concept of a probabilishtic “electron cloud” model as described in conventional Quantum Mechanics theory.  Instead he proposed that electrons orbit the atomic nucleus in distinct predictable pathways, essentially 2-dimensional planes, creating super electric currents and powerful magnetic fields that define atomic electron structure, better explain atomic bonding, and explain noble gas structure. A similar theory has recently been shown to be correct, and is one part of a larger theory and supporting research data developed by a ground breaking research physicist and his team.  This new theory, and that research data generated, is the basis for the revolutionary low-cost non-polluting power systems that he and his team have since developed, and that Paragon is helping to commercialize.

Mr. Bock’s college research work also led to his thesis - a technical and economic analysis of the roles oil & gas, coal, nuclear, solar, wind, and other technologies in meeting North America's energy needs. That technical analysis of nuclear power plant systems pointed out inherent design problems related to excessive ionizing radiation and accelerated metal fatigue in reactor vessels and heat exchanger systems used in most plant designs in the United States, and predicted the unforeseen & accelerated decline of the North American nuclear power industry due to these fundamental design flaws.  Mr. Bock then worked on Wall Street and in Denver in utility & energy-related project finance for 4 years, prior to founding Paragon Technologies Ltd., an RD&D and consulting company that became ParagonSciences Ltd in 2011. 

Mr. Bock brings comprehensive economic, scientific, and technology development expertise related to energy production & emissions and their effects on government & corporate economics, world climate, the food chain, and human & environmental health.

Today Paragon is using its technical capabilities to develop a range of advanced energy infrastructures & public policy initiatives necessary to increase power plant efficiencies, eliminate climate effects, detoxify the environment of heavy metals and other pollutants, and to develop medical interventions for serious disease. 

Paragon and Mr Bock’s extensive scientific R&D efforts over the past 20 years have led to significant contributions in sport, medical, energy, environment, and climate science.  Please see Milestones in Science and Sport for a complete list of Paragon’s development milestones.  A brief summary of Paragon’s most significant contributions follows.  

In 1999, Bock’s research and testimony on the detrimental effects of environmental pollution on human health before a Canadian Government’s Senate Committee helped convince the Senate to pass a recommendation requiring the annual review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.   That presentation was successful because it effectively demonstrated numerous technical issues related to environmental pollution in terms the Senators could clearly understand.

In 2003 Paragon decided to generate a similar comprehensive white paper on the causes of climate change, the technologies required to solve them, and viable models for profitable, market-driven government incentive programs to allow rapid technology implementation without detriment to the economy. 

The results of this white paper proved surprising, as when doing additional background due-diligence research to further corroborate and explain CO2 / GHG theory in simpler terms to government and business leaders, Bock began to realize that that the historical temperature and weather data actually strongly indicate the world has not warmed as predicted by standard GHG theory, and, that instead, carbon-based soots appear to have been driving the climate change witnessed to date. 

In 2006 Bock’s Paragon research group became the first to grasp the full extent of the unexpected and extreme regional & planetary warming being driven by particulate air pollution, and to report that un-burnt fuels in carbonaceous soots appear to have caused much of the unanticipated and rapid climate fluctuations seen over the past century. 

In 2007 Bock was first to recognize that the dispersing effect of atmospheric soot on water vapour (that prevents normal cloud formation) is also dramatically enhancing the Green House effect of a given amount of water vapour.  Water vapour is the primary green house gas found in a normal atmosphere, and is normally responsible for about 89% of an unpolluted atmosphere’s natural Green house effect.  Bock’s research indicates that polluted water vapour’s total Green House potential appears to be significantly higher than previously estimated.  And this would mean other Green House Gases might have considerably less effect than previously thought. (see Paragon’s Research in Theoretical Physics and Chemistry)  

A year later in 2008, after an exhaustive 5 year search of peer-reviewed climate research and temperature data, Bock became the first climate researcher to refute the CO2 / GHG theory and present evidence to show that almost all the climate warming of the industrial era appears to have been caused by carbon soots found in air pollution, not by an accumulation of CO2 and other anthropogenic GHGs. 

More importantly, carbon soots fall out of the atmosphere, and can be eliminated, whereas CO2 accumulates.  In other words, if atmospheric soots are driving much of the warming, as they appear to be, then most climate change can be quickly reversed.

In 2008, Bock used Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) to recognize and demonstrate the accelerating detrimental health effects of coal soot, mercury, and other heavy metal pollution on water systems and the fish, animals, and humans consuming them, as supported by peer-reviewed research.

In 2010 ENMAX Corporation of Calgary used Paragon’s climate and environment research to demonstrate the toxic heavy metal issues and regional & global warming effects related to black & brown carbon particulates, volatile metal, and other emissions related to coal burning, thereby helping convince Environment Minister Jim Prentice and the Canadian government to phase out coal-fired generation plants in Canada.

Mr. Bock and the other members of Paragon’s research teams also work with leading corporate and university research partners to develop advanced metabolic diagnostics & medical systems for the treatment of disease, for use in toxin screening & detoxification, and for use in Olympic & professional sport. Paragon's highly advanced diagnostics & treatments for degenerative disease have reversed paralysis, multiple sclerosis, chronic pancreatitis, various cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, recurrent C-Difficile, and many other serious diseases and conditions.  See Medical Case Studies

Paragon has also had a long and productive history in amateur and professional sport.  Over the past 20 years athletes using Mr. Bock’s training programs, athletic coaching, nutrition, metabolic diagnostics, and innovative sport equipment technologies have won numerous Olympic Gold medals, world championships, and set more than 45 world bests and records in many different sports.  See Sport

David S. Buzby, Chairman of the Board, Paragon Power

Mr. Buzby has been a “clean-tech” entrepreneur and executive for the past 23 years, helping start, invest in and/or manage multiple companies in the solar, storage and recycling industries. He was the founding investor, Chairman, and CEO of SunEdison, LLC, a solar integrator, from 2005 until its sale in 2009 and was also an early investor and Board member of SunRun Inc., a residential solar service company, from 2008 to 2012. He additionally was a founding investor and Board member at Prevalent Power, a solar integrator, from 2003 until its subsequent sale in 2005. Previously, Buzby co-founded and was CEO of Recycling Resource LLC, a multi-material recycler, from 1991 until its sale in 1997. He is a founding investor and has been a board member of Stem, Inc., a demand reduction, storage and software company, since 2011. Has known Bock 35 years, and helped develop Paragon’s business plan. First introduced by Paragon to the revolutionary power technology being developed in the Unites States in 2010. Became an investor in that US company in 2012, and then joined Paragon as Chairman of the Board in 2014 to help drive the implementation and distribution of this revolutionary new power system in Canada. Mr. Buzby earned an MBA from Harvard in 1988 and a BA from Middlebury College in 1982.

Cyrus Kuhzarani, R.Phm., B.Sc.Phm., Research Advisor, Paragon Medical

Mr. Kuhzarani is a critical member of Paragon's biochemical research & medical consulting team.  He and Sam Bock worked together to conceive and develop the advanced medical and Metabolic Testing and Analysis platform Paragon offers patients and their doctors.  It comprises of the world’s first comprehensive system for cross-referencing, analysis, and research of:

  • a patient’s conventional medical blood work
  • metabolic test results on over 200 biomarkers and toxins
  • a patient’s symptoms, diet, and lifestyle habits
  • additional biochemical research done based on the above findings
  • additional biochemical research on the pharmacology of any Rx drug that may be affecting patient metabolism and health
  • intensive research of the latest peer-reviewed studies on specific disease states

Paragon uses this comprehensive analysis to help doctors & patients pinpoint potential nutritional, biochemical, and environmental origins of degenerative disease and other health problems, enabling the formulation and application of nutritional and/or other biochemical Targeted Interventions to help arrest and often reverse serious and problematic illnesses. 

Together Kuhzarani and Bock collaborate with doctors and research partners on a wide range of leading edge services Paragon provides its medical clients and partners.  

Mr. Kuhzarani has a Masters of Pharmacy from Heinrich-Heine University, in Duesseldorf, Germany (1996), where he also completed majors in Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology (compounding).  After working for 4 years in Germany, he came to Canada, and within a few years was working with Kent McLeod, first as Managing Pharmacist of production and development at Nutri-Chem Pharmacy’s compounding lab, where he helped develop numerous new products, and then as Laboratory Director for the International Center for Metabolic Testing. Mr. Kuhzarani helped develop and build the laboratory, and then worked closely with many MDs and NDs in Canada and the US — including the late Dr. Abraham Hoffer (BC), the late Dr. Hugh Riordan (KS), Dr. Bryn Waern (ON), Dr. George Gillson (AB).  He provided them with consulting regarding patient metabolic conditions and other lab results and oversaw the lab’s metabolic testing, custom compounding, orthomolecular IV-Treatments, individualized chronic pain treatments, including transdermal approaches to chronic pain and transdermal trigger point therapies.  Through this work has gained valuable knowledge and expertise in the field of Down Syndrome, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson, MS, CFS/FM, MCS, Chronic Pain, and Cancer.

In 2006 he left ICMT to set up the Compounding Division for the Desjardins Healthcare Group in Ottawa and now manages that lab.  He is also Founder and CEO of Pure Lab Vitamins Inc, a start-up vitamin label, focusing on niche products in the Canadian market.

Mr. Kuhzarani’s innate curiosity and extensive understanding of human & nutritional biochemistry, metabolic testing, and disease treatment make him an invaluable asset when analyzing complex medical problems to determine appropriate targeted nutritional interventions for a host of medical problems. 

Professional Memberships & other roles:   

  • Member of PCCA, the Professional Compounding Centres of America, since 2002
  • Member of ISOM + CSOM, the International and Canadian Society of Orthomolecular Medicine, since 2002
  • Member and Graduate of IAH, International Academy of Homotoxicolgy, Baden Baden, Germany, since 2009
  • Contract Speaker for Heel Canada, since 2010

George Thorpe, Director, ParagonSciences, Paragon Engineering

Mr. Thorpe BA, BScME, PEng is a founding director of ParagonSciences Ltd.  He, Michael Smith, and Lindsay Hood initially helped secure funding to launch Paragon and its first sport-related R&D programs in 1989. His technical and engineering expertise have been invaluable to Paragon’s research programs.

Mr. Thorpe is a key element of Paragon’s senior engineering team, has been involved in almost every one of Paragon’s new technology development projects for more than 20 years.  He is also a co-writer of one of Paragon’s patents, and helping to develop others.

Mr. Thorpe has more than 35 years experience in the industrial sector as a professional design engineer, project manager, product development group manager and business consultant.  He has supervised a wide range of more than 100 research and product development projects, handling client interface, proposal development, government grant programs, concurrent engineering, standards and procedures development, prototyping, project management, group performance and quality control for industry and government.  Mr. Thorpe managed many energy related projects in Alberta, as well as "green-field" startups of large manufacturing operations, including Graf Canada’s and Outland Sports manufacturing plants.

Mr. Thorpe has developed intellectual property at every stage of product development, with many patents written and filed. Most recently, as Engineering Manager for BI PureWater Inc., Mr. Thorpe managed the design, development, and installation of advanced water treatment plants that employ a highly advanced applied catalytic chemistry developed by George and his team. This technology was awarded Waste Water Digest’s 2009 Top Water & Wastewater Projects winner.  Mr. Thorpe was responsible for the research of these advanced water treatment innovations and for their integration into new technology.

Prior to returning to private industry in 1996, Mr. Thorpe was Manager of Manufacturing & Engineering Services for the Alberta Research Council, where he headed a group of product development and manufacturing professionals, subcontractors and staff that developed and implemented business plans, marketing plans and manufacturing plans.  Mr. Thorpe conducted business development and agreement negotiation, managed projects and staff, and facilitated design reviews.

Michael Smith, Director, ParagonSciences, Power Projects Partner

Mr. Smith is a founding director of ParagonSciences Ltd.  He, Lindsay Hood, and George Thorpe initially helped secure funding to launch Paragon and its first sport-related R&D programs in 1989. 

More recently Mr. Smith and Paragon have formed a partnership to help secure investment funding for the commercial development of Paragon’s energy technologies.  Mr. Smith has extensive contacts with the senior management of Canada’s major energy companies and utilities as well as institutional and private investors in Canada and the US.

Until June 2011, Mr. Smith was Chairman, Ross Smith Energy Group.  RSEG was founded by Mr. Smith and Allen Ross in 1998 to provide objective research to institutional investors in the energy sector.   In June Investment Technology Group, Inc. (NYSE: ITG), a leading agency research broker and financial technology firm, acquired RSEG. 

RSEG provides detailed technical and financial analysis of North American resource plays, public and private corporations, as well as coverage of international and macroeconomic energy issues, for more than 200 clients in North America and Europe, including more than 60 equity fund managers who are new clients for ITG.  RSEG’s team of approximately 40 staff includes professional engineers, technologists and financial analysts.  With the addition of RSEG, ITG Investment Research will provide differentiated views into the exploration and production activities of North American and international energy companies.

Specialized technical experience within RSEG includes development and exploration geology, reservoir engineering, completions, financial modeling, forensic accounting, economic analysis and geopolitics.  RSEG is qualified to provide detailed, independent commentary on all aspects of a company's current operation, its future growth, and external issues that could influence an investment decision.

Mr. Smith's career in the investment industry began in 1981 with McLeod Young Weir.  After two years he moved to Peters & Co. Limited, the major underwriter of energy projects in Alberta, where he was a partner and spent fifteen years covering institutional clients in Montreal and in the U.S.

Lindsay Hood, Director, ParagonSciences

Mr. Hood is a founding director of ParagonSciences Ltd.  He, Michael Smith, and George Thorpe initially helped secure funding to launch Paragon and its first sport-related R&D programs in 1989.  His technical and engineering expertise have been invaluable to Paragon’s research programs.

Mr. Hood has been instrumental in making sure Paragon’s critically important climate research was made available to leading business and government leaders.  He, along with Bock and Bruce Haden also helped to personally fund Paragon’s climate research. 

Mr. Hood previously served as the Chairman of the Board of SpiderPlow Services Inc., a director of Source Rock Energy Partners Inc. and Kobold Energy Services Inc.  Mr. Hood was also an owner and director of The Crossing Company from 1998 - 2009. He took over the President and CEO role for the Company in 2003. 

Mr. Hood graduated from The University of Alberta in 1979 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering.  He was a recipient of the Glatz Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Fourth Year Mechanical Engineering.  He is a member of Association of Professional Engineers, Geophysicists and Geologists in Alberta (APEGGA).  He has served as a field engineer, manager, executive, owner, founder and investor in numerous oilfield service companies. He has previously served as the President of Geosearch Drilling, Executive Vice-President of Enserv Corporation and a founder, Director and Senior Vice President of Tesco Corporation.  He was a Senior Vice-President and Director of ARC Financial Corporation from 1997-2003, and was responsible for financing and serving as a director for companies that included: C-Tech Energy Services Inc., Digital Oilfield Inc., Flexpipe Systems Inc., Innicor Subsurface Technologies Inc., Technicoil Corporation and Ensource (now, Enerflex)

Daryl Fridhandler, Director, Corporate Secretary, Paragon Power

Mr. Fridhandler has extensive transactional experience in energy and environmental matters, particularly in asset transactions and project arrangements with Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer where he is a partner, and a broad general corporate/commercial practice, representing public and private businesses in all aspects from start up planning to preparation for and going public with their enterprises, to ongoing finance, transaction and governance advice. Past clients have included:

  • Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology in Canada in connection with the initial organization and $1.1B funding negotiations with the Government of Canada
  • Sable Offshore Energy consortium in connection with the negotiation of industrial and benefits arrangements with the Province of Nova Scotia
  • Innova Exploration Ltd. in connection with governance, corporate and merger & acquisition matters
  • WestJet in connection with the organization and operation of its airline operation, including advice relating to private and public financing, corporate governance, regulatory matters and various corporate structuring matters

Professional Memberships & Community Service:

  • Board of Governors of the Calgary Petroleum Club (since 2008)
  • Chairman, Calgary Economic Development, Board Member (2002 - 2008)
  • Commissioner, Calgary Police Commission (since October, 2008)
  • Vice President, Revenue, Liberal Party of Canada and National Chairman, Laurier Club (2004 — 2006) 
  • Chairman, BD&P Marketing Committee, 1996 — 2002
  • Calgary Public Library Trustee, 1993 - 1997 (Vice-Chairman, 1993 - 1995, Chairman, 1995 - 1997)
  • Campaign Chairman, Mayor Dave Bronconnier, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 
  • Alberta Library Trustees Association Director, 1994 - 1997 
  • EPCOR Centre for the Performing Arts, Board Member, 1997 - present (Vice-Chairman, 2001, Chairman, 2002 - 2004) 
  • Calgary Community Lottery Board, Board Member, 1998 - 2000 (Chairman 1998 - 2000) 
  • Alberta College of Art and Design, Board of Governors, 2002 — 2008 (Finance Committee Chair) 
  • Trustee Executive Member, Natural Resources Section of the Canadian Bar Association (Alberta Branch), 1985 to 1989 (Chairperson 1987 - 1988) 
  • Author of case comments, discussions and articles in:
  • Oil and Gas Law and Taxation Review (Oxford, England) 
  • Journal of International Banking Law (Oxford, England)
  • Legal Alert (a Canadian publication for business executives)
  • Law Society of Alberta, Canadian Bar Association, Calgary Bar Association 
  • Institute of Corporate Directors
  • 2005 Alberta Centennial Medal for community service

David McGoey, Advisor, Finance, Paragon Power

David is very experienced in optimizing business and R&D tax structures. Has experience as CFO & audit committee chairman of various public & private companies. Has advised Paragon since 1989.

Ryan Williams, Chief Operating Officer, Paragon Power

Mr. Williams worked with Paragon to evaluate distributed generation (D-Gen) technology and is a key contributor to Paragon’s Canadian business model and market design.  He has 20 years business experience, the majority with Calgary-based ENMAX Corporation, Alberta’s largest electric utility.  Joined the regulated utility prior to the deregulation and redesign of the Alberta electricity industry and during his tenure, worked to develop D-Gen, cogeneration, district heating, central utility scale and renewable generation, and emerging technology projects.  Mr. Williams’ innovative business approach and development expertise helped establish ENMAX Corporation as one of the most competitive energy Retailers and technologically advanced electric utilities in Canada.

Mr. Williams’ diverse leadership skill set enabled his management and departmental oversight in Generation Business Development, Commercial and Industrial Accounts, Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures, Sales, Marketing, Account Management, Customer Service, Technology Screening and Strategic Planning.  Has managed both established commodity business lines and new electrical start-up product and business lines leading small and large staff compliments.  Development expertise managing business lines and/or projects from origination through completion; including business concept, legal structuring, and commercial development; including site control, stakeholder consultation, permitting, regulatory approval, and installation and/or construction.  Through his management consulting business, has an extensive network of retail, commercial, and industrial customers for which he navigates the commodity billing and settlement process, contracting of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), and complex wholesale energy transactions in deregulated and regulated electricity and natural gas markets. 

Career highlights at ENMAX:

  • Managed the project development value chain of a 80 MW greenfield Alberta wind farm from concept through to commercial operations
  • Created and lead a new Business Alliance customer account portfolio that executed ~$1.5 billion in long-term revenue commodity contracts
  • Originated and delivered greater than $100 million contracts with Commercial, Institutional, Industrial, and Oil & Gas commodity customers
  • Project managed the due diligence oversight of merger, acquisition and divestiture activities of greater than $1 billion of transaction value
  • Raised $14.5 million in Government funding to facilitate the creation of a renewable D-gen, solar and HVAC business line
  • Contracted the procurement of innovative direct drive wind turbine technology establishing Enercon’s first North American wind farm
  • Created, negotiated, and externally co-funded “NSERC/ENMAX Industrial Research Chair in Renewable Energy” with the University of Calgary       
  • Creation and delivery of scenario and strategic planning processes along with the screening of transformational technologies and sensitivity impacts
  • Negotiated the first joint energy contract and Canadian Corporate sponsorship of a Canadian Football Game (ENMAX Labour Day Classic)

Mr. Williams earned undergraduate and MBA degrees at the University of Calgary / Haskayne School of Business and has a Project Management certification from Mount Royal University.  He has a passion for the development of affordable renewable and clean technology, has solar panels on his residence, and utilizes other energy efficiency initiatives.

Betsy Taggart, Director, Marketing and Strategy, Paragon Power

Founding partner on the Paragon/BLP project since Dec 2008.  Extensive consumer marketing experience.  Owner of 420 Nelson Strategy & Marketing Inc.  Provides strategic planning and marketing consulting services to large & small companies and agencies, with a focus on strong communication and simplifying / streamlining business plans against well-defined objectives.  Previously one of Johnson & Johnson Canada’s best consumer marketing and distribution strategists and responsible for sales portfolios in excess of $75 million and marketing and advertising budgets ranging from $25,000 to $20 million.  McGill MBA 2000.

Norman Chow, Advisor, Paragon Engineering, M.A.Sc. Metals and Materials Eng.

Paragon’s power plant technology utilizes advanced catalytic processes.

Mr. Chow is President & owner of Kemetco Research Inc.  He is a world leader in the development of a wide range of pioneering catalytic chemistry technologies for industry, first with the innovative programs he helped build at BC Research Inc. from 1986 - 1997, and now with his Kemetco Research team in private industry. 

Kemetco Research chemists have more than 20 years of fuel cell research experience, and also have substantial experience in many other fields dating back to the 1970’s with BC Research.  BC Research specialized in consulting, applied research, and development and was based at a 180,000-square-foot scientific research and development facility at the BC Research and Innovation Complex at the south end of the University of British Columbia campus.  The non-profit BC Research Council was founded in 1944, and became a private company in 1993.  In May 2007, the Industrial Process Division of BC Research Inc. was acquired by Mr. Chow & Kemetco Research Inc. 

Today Kemetco provides contract research, catalytic process development, customized experimental design, creative problem solving, interpretive reports, and laboratory testing services to industry, primarily in chemical processing, metallurgy, and mining.

Kemetco works closely with clients whose projects originate from industrial process and environmental concerns. 

In Paragon’s view, Mr. Chow’s broad knowledge, open approach, & innovative methods are critical elements to the successful commercial development of any pioneering applied chemical technology, just as he and Kemetco’s team have demonstrated across several very challenging technology development fronts.

Kemetco has developed and patented many highly innovative processes to dramatically reduce energy and materials consumption in mainstream industrial applications.  Paragon’s Mr. Thorpe has worked with Mr. Chow and Kemetco for several years, successfully developing special catalytic chemistries used in BI PureWater’s highly advanced water purification systems.

Kemetco has a full range of chemical analysis instrumentation to support research and development activities which enables he and Kemetco to provide leading anayltical services with fast turn around times. 

Kemetco’s close relationship with Noram Engineering and Constructors Ltd., provides integrated R&D and Engineering support for commercialization of new process technologies.

David Meyer, Advisor, Contracting & Equipment Fabrication

Mr. Meyer is President & owner of the Aerotech Group of Companies in Calgary. 

Mr. Meyer provides his extensive manufacturing consulting experience and a full range of fabrication services to Paragon. Paragon and Aerotech have been partnering on R& D initiatives since 1989. 

Mr. Meyer and Aerotech’s experienced team liaises with Paragon’s engineering teams throughout the entire design and engineering process to ensure seamless delivery of custom-made industrial equipment. 

Aerotech has been building highly specialized custom & heavy equipment for many different oil and heavy industry applications for 25 years.  Aerotech's fabrications shops are capable of almost any type of specialized metal fabrication for industrial prototyping and commercial development.  Clients include Shell Canada, Petro Canada, Weatherford, BJ Well Services, Schlumberger, Trans Canada Turbines, Pason, Siemans, and General Dynamics.

Bruce Haden, Advisor, Climate Research Media Development

Mr. Haden is a partner at Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden Architects. His architectural and urban design work has been recognised globally, particularly for the Canadian Governor General’s and World Architecture Festival winning design for the Nk’ Mip Desert Cultural Centre.

Mr. Haden is a passionate world citizen and committed to finding solution to the world’s climate and environment problems.  He has personally helped fund Paragon’s climate research. 

He first became interested in climate science after meeting Nobel laureate Mario Molina at a conference.  Molina received his Nobel for his work showing the effects of CFCs on the ozone layer.  Molina’s later research work has shown how heavy soot generation from Asia can disturb cloud cover over the Pacific, causing extreme weather events on North America’s north west coast, like the storm that destroyed trees that were a thousand years old in Vancouver’s Stanly Park.  

Mr. Haden has a strong working knowledge in climate research, and is committed to seeing Paragon’s climate research continue to educate government and business leaders.

Mr. Haden’s design work ranges widely, from wastewater treatment plants to cafes. He has renovated a Post Office building in northern BC for an arts centre, and done work on the competition winning design of the Canadian Navy Monument in Ottawa.

Mr. Haden is the Chair of the Vancouver Urban Design Panel and has taught at the UBC School of Architecture. He has done freelance work for CBC Radio with respect to design and social issues and was the Vancouver correspondent for Canadian Architect Magazine for ten years. He is also the President of the Board of Vancouver’s Contemporary Art Gallery.

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