This specialized type of Paragon’s essential metabolic testing and analysis is specifically designed for athletes. It thoroughly examines and cross-references more than 125 biomarkers and other metabolic indicators specific to athletic training and performance, and uncovers most problematic diet and lifestyle choices that significantly affect any athlete’s ability to perform. From this overall analysis, Paragon designs effective targeted nutrition protocols and/or other necessary training, competition, and lifestyle modifications.
Issues regularly identified and solved through this testing process include most muscle cramping and fatigue problems; sub-clinical anaemia associated with over training (which is becoming common today); chronic back, hip, and shoulder pain; heavy metal poisoning (also becoming common), chronic tendonitis, concentration and poor-playmaking issues, high blood pressure, adrenal & thyroid disorders, insomnia, migraines, problematic infections, depression, moodiness, many food allergies, sport related arrhythmias and heart conditions, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and behavioural & learning disorders.
Both Paragon’s consistent success in producing championship sport results, and in determining the cause of most of its medical case study illnesses, shows that:
1) detailed analysis of an athlete’s training environment, training habits, dietary & supplementation habits, any Rx prescriptions, and social habits usually uncovers multiple factors that may be limiting and athlete’s physical and mental performance.
2) When that analysis is used in conjunction with the precise measurement and analysis of intracellular tissue mineral balance, specific metabolic conditions related to physical performance, health, and behaviour are predicted.
This is because specific vitamins and minerals work together as co-enzyme factors that control the action of most enzymes in the body, which in turn affect genetic expression, metabolic activity, health, and potential sport performance dependant on that enzyme function.
Dr. David L. Watts, Ph.D. was one of the first to recognize the critically important links between mineral balance, vitamin utilization, enzyme activity in the body, and health. He further realized that the mineral balance in tissues, including hair tissue, is reflective of the overall mineral balance in the body. To determine the specific affects of minerals on metabolism, performance, and disease, Watts worked with physicians to collect thousands of hair samples from patients with a wide range of confirmed medical diagnoses. As expected, most patients with specific conditions had remarkably similar balances of minerals in their tissues. This allowed his research team to determine and isolate metabolic activity, hormone function, emotional behaviour, learning capability, detoxification capability, and the existence or potential for disease states associated with specific balances of minerals & vitamins in the body. HTMA also represents the best method to test for ongoing exposure to toxic heavy metals.
Paragon began using this highly advanced metabolic testing of hair to show athletes which foods were required to achieve balance nutrition, and which ones were causing heavy metal toxicity in the body.
Dr. Watts’ clinical research work on over 900,000 MD-collected patient samples shows that returning cellular metabolism to normal requires the correction of mineral imbalances and elimination of toxins. This groundbreaking clinical work represents a significant contribution to medicine. Trace Elements testing is highly effective in helping to determine protocols to treat various degenerative conditions.
HTMA is now done by many laboratories around the world. However no other lab has the extensive clinical research to support its analysis of a patient’s test results. The laboratory equipment and operating procedures are unparalleled and set the standard for the industry.