Paragon offers a full range of highly effective medical services to determine health problems and their solutions — whether for treatment of serious acute disease, prevention, or achieving significantly improved physical & mental performance.
New medical research shows genetic expression and health are primarily controlled by foods & other chemicals we ingest, and by our physical & mental activity — not our inherited genetics themselves.1 2 Because of this, most health problems can be reversed or dramatically improved by properly re-balancing food intake and lifestyle, as new medical research and Paragon’s Medical Case Studies and Testimonials show.
Re-establishing proper metabolic balance is now much easier with the latest medical and metabolic testing of a patient’s tissues, bio-chemical pathways, and lifestyle patterns. This can usually indicate the source and solutions to a patient’s current or future health problems.3 And that enables doctors and patients to work with Paragon to design targeted interventions to reverse problems. Full or significant recovery has been achieved in over 90% of Paragon’s medical case studies.
Paragon testing and nutrition technologies also help athletes and teams to dramatically outperform their competition. See Pro & Olympic Athletes and Paragon Milestones in Sport.
Paragon and its Research Partners can also help biotechnology companies and research organizations discover and clinically test patentable health products and therapies for disease.
Please browse the menus to see the wide range of services and free educational resources available here.
Medical & health related subjects are explained both in summary and detail. Other sections provide details on our leading environmental research. And there is a wide range of information on Paragon’s revolutionary athletic training methods and equipment development that have led to many dominant performances and famous upsets in sport.