Emerging Energy Technologies

  • the world is experiencing an unprecedented rate of innovation
  • most new energy technology half lives will be short
  • a few are truly transformational
  • has created volatile marketplace
  • rigorous assessment of new technology essential
  • most technologies don’t meet Paragon’s ROI standard 

There are new, inexpensive, and powerful energy systems being developed that will significantly disrupt the way most of today’s electrical, transportation, and industrial products will be made in the next 3-5 years.  

If your corporation, government agency, NGO, school, or household is currently planning long term energy related capital expenditures, you should be aware of these advancements.  Further, the current R&D initiatives of many large industrials unaware of these developments are also at risk.   

To learn more about these new technologies, please contact us at 1 514 278-3935, or email us at [email protected]

When making significant energy-related Cap Ex decisions in a volatile ever-changing market place, you need to be certain that your new energy technology represents true long term innovation – not that of an also ran that will be surpassed in a few years.

Paragon used its depth of technical experience to rigorously search for those few rare and disruptive energy technologies that meet our stringent investment criteria – low or no pollution, low resource use, no future regulatory issues, low operating costs, and sustained high profitability over a long lifetime – without subsidy.     

Paragon’s economic and technical due-diligence will quickly show any investor in simple terms why certain new energy technologies clearly stand out among the many being offered as solutions for new capital investment in today’s changing regulatory environment. 

And, because these select few promise to dominate energy production in the future, we are partnering with those companies that developed them, and can position you with the vastly superior performance they provide.

Background Summary:

For much of the past 5 decades the development curve for commercial power technology fell far behind the level of innovation achieved in most other technical fields – like communications, IT, and electronics – primarily because oil & gas for transportation and heating cost so little for so long.

That has rapidly changed with rising energy prices and the quickly increasing demand of a growing world population.  As a result, a myriad of energy innovation has emerged very quickly – as anytime progress in an important economic sector overly slows for a prolonged period of time, major innovations are always just around the corner. 

A few will be successful, but most will not – regardless of what the proponents or developers of an individual technology may say.

This is because most will not be able to compete with a select few just emerging on the marketplace now, which are so disruptive that they promise to make energy very cheap once again, further reducing the ability of other new technology to compete.  This is because these new technologies will cost 1/10th that of current offerings, generate no pollution, and not require fuel.  Those advantages will cause a massive consumer driven switchover to these new inexpensive technologies, much like occurred in the late 1940’s with the rapid adoption of cleaner, cheaper oil & gas over dirty coal.

And once energy prices and capital costs fall low enough due to the widespread adoption of these new technologies, there will be little consumer incentive to switch to any marginally improved innovation in the future.  This is because the operating savings to justify the capital cost required for that successor technology won’t be large enough until installations of the new technology referred to above are ready to be retired, thereby slowing the implementation time of that new technology.

There are many different reasons why most other new energy technologies ultimately fail Paragon’s tests for long-term profitability.  To meet our standards, these new solutions must solve the financial, environmental, climate, and health related liabilities facing many corporations and nations today, and most importantly, they must be orders-of-magnitude more efficient than current offerings to still be cost competitive a decade from now.

Upon initial investigation, a wide range of new energy technologies look promising because they appear to solve certain environmental problems.  However most are more expensive to purchase or operate, and/or, they produce other emissions or by-products with their use, manufacturing, or reprocessing – likely generating future liability.  As such they may ultimately be just as environmentally and financially problematic to owners as current technology being replaced.

Paragon won’t advise clients to meet current regulatory environments by merely using a newer, less known, less regulated technology that may ultimately create new problems and liability for it client.

Instead we help clients research, investigate, and implement highly profitable, environmentally balanced power technologies that will help generate maximum returns without causing future health problems, or accruing a future liability – to the company or the community.

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