Smart Grid Technology

  • allows efficient expansion of the power grid
  • increases utility profits & reduces power prices
  • efficiently sets and adjusts power prices
  • allows buying and/or selling of power
  • makes fuel use stretch further
  • reduces pollution

Centralized power grids and monthly-tabulated power bills are gradually being replaced with new, highly-efficient power generation, distribution, and metering systems. These are increasing & smoothing the flow of cheaper power to the world economy.

Grid connected or stand-alone distributed micro-generation facilities now allow customized on-demand power delivery on almost every conceivable level.

Smart metering and energy software technologies that measure power sales on a moment to moment basis are allowing power distribution companies, and the economies they serve, to set higher prices for peak use, provide discounts during off peak hours, thereby allowing customers and utilities to determine more efficient use of power.

In the future, ParagonPower envisions wireless and mobile metering and energy IT systems that will allow customers to buy or sell power at a wide range of outlets, whether to power a car, or whether to have that same car generate excess power for sale to the grid.

ParagonPower can help you make the best smart grid technology choices, whether you have power needs, or are generating for sale.

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