We are uniquely committed to the restoration of a healthy planet, and to the development of health, wealth, and practical knowledge in all world communities.
Paragon believes corporations and governments must make it their business to solve the health care, environment, climate-change, and energy production crises affecting the world — without disrupting ongoing human and economic development.
A private company, we provide advanced research, design, engineering, manufacturing, and consulting for medical & health science, clean energy systems development, climate & environmental science, sport development, and government policy development.
Through our advanced research and technology engineering initiatives, Paragon is working with leading industry partners to develop some of today’s most exciting technologies and infrastructure plans. These include revolutionary cost-effective products for energy and power generation, and sustainable practices for medicine, agriculture, and manufacturing.
New research & technology advances in physics, energy and power production, climate science, and medical science are radically reshaping humankind’s understanding of those fields, and the world we live in. Many of these developments were either advanced by Paragon, or research associates currently working with Paragon.
This provides Paragon with a unprecedented technical ability to evaluate the future commercial viability of new energy and medical technologies — for Paragon projects, partners, and clients.
And while the ground breaking research and technology developments referred to above were not expected, they unequivocally prove that the physical world we thought we understood so well in 2007 actually operates per a different set of rules.
These breakthroughs have already begun to fundamentally change the course of human development, and our near-term economic and social futures as well — whether related to:
These discoveries are already affecting investment, technology development, and infrastructure planning. In the near future they will also affect government regulation of existing technology used in most industry today, as well as human development everywhere.
They also affect many organization’s future investment decisions related to energy, climate, or medicine. Most corporations, NGOs, governments, and countries are not yet aware of these developments. Those operating in affected industries need this new knowledge, or risk losing their position or competitive advantage.
In the past 10 years Paragon has generated major advancements in climate science research, and as well as potential technology developements and policy solutions to the climate problem.
We have also developed advanced metabolic diagnostics & medical systems for the treatment of disease, for use in toxin screening & detoxification, and for use in Olympic & professional sport. Our highly advanced diagnostics & treatments have reversed paralysis, multiple sclerosis, chronic pancreatitis, various cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, recurrent C-Difficile, and many other serious diseases and conditions. Athletes using athletic coaching methods, metabolic diagnostics & sport equipment technologies we developed and provided have won numerous Olympic Gold medals, world championships, and have set more than 45 world bests and records in many sports.
Paragon has donated roughly half of its revenue and work hours to volunteer initiatives central to its credo, and is actively developing and promoting socially progressive, market-driven models for government regulation and taxation policy that both promote health and generate wealth.
Initially formed in 1989 by Sam Bock with the help of Steve Hall, George Thorpe, Lindsay Hood, Michael Smith, Lorne Graham, and many supporters, today ParagonSciences and its various divisions are managed and advised by acknowledged industry leaders who have built highly innovative companies. Together they help Paragon to introduce and advance new research to develop & commercialize transformational technologies.
Paragon works with leading corporate and university research partners to develop advanced metabolic diagnostics & medical systems for the treatment of disease, for use in toxin screening & detoxification, and for use in Olympic & professional sport. Mr. Bock is director of medical research at Paragon. He and biochemist Cyrus Kuhzarani R.Phm., B.Sc.Phm., work closely with Paragon’s medical research partners. Together they provide the latest medical research, testing, and analysis necessary to design specifically targeted interventions to quickly address urgent healthcare issues.
Medical research shows biochemical cellular systems controlling genetic expression (that affects most disease states) are primarily controlled by the foods and other chemicals we ingest, and by our physical & mental activity — not our inherited genetics themselves.4,5 Metabolic testing of a patient’s bio-chemical pathways can indicate the source and solutions to a patient’s health problems.6 Today Paragon offers patients and their doctors the most advanced medical and Metabolic Testing and Analysis.
In 2004 Bock was one of the first researchers to effectively demonstrate through metabolic testing of married couples that specific nutrient consumption modulates human genetic expression and health in specific manners, regardless of a person’s individual genetic make-up.
Paragon's highly advanced metabolic diagnostics & targeted medical interventions for degenerative disease have been used to reverse “permanent” stroke damage & associated paralysis, multiple sclerosis, chronic pancreatitis, various cancers, bowel diseases and recurrent C-Difficile, cardiovascular health issues (such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and problematic arrhythmias), neurological infection, depression, recurrent grand mal seizures, osteo & rheumatoid arthritis, advanced bone disease, migraines, chronic back problems, muscle cramping, skin disorders, insomnia, fibromyalgia, toxic metal poisoning, chronic fatigue, and other problematic health problems. Full or significant recovery has been achieved in over 90% of Paragon’s Medical Case Studies.
Paragon’s research partners have also had success treating many other disorders, and have developed leading protocols for treating and ameliorating dyslexia, autism, attention deficit disorder, and down syndrome.
Athletes using Mr. Bock’s athletic coaching and Paragon’s metabolic diagnostics & sport equipment technologies have won numerous Olympic Gold medals, world championships, and have set more than 45 world bests and records in amateur and professional sport.
Our development work with top athletes and coaches produced a wide range of world leading innovation and equipment for improving athletic speed and power for most sports. This included: coaching & advanced athletic training techniques and programs; metabolic testing and nutrition chemistry programs; designing special racing and competition equipment — including sprint shoes for the world’s fastest sprinters, hockey skates for NHL players, and Olympic bobsleds; as well as developing motor-specific training equipment, special sport training apparel, and sport training facility designs.
Paragon also worked with Nike, Adidas, Graf, and Mondo America to develop cutting edge commercial products.
Paragon is primarily focused on projects to commercialize new power plant technology for Canadian and world markets.
We are part of a larger international team of companies helping to commercially develop a revolutionary technology that will redefine the way the world will generate and use power in the decade ahead — for homes, industry, and transportation. Paragon joined this research & development effort in 2008, and shortly thereafter began to assemble the experienced partners & leaders in business, engineering, licensing, and manufacturing to commercially develop these new technologies in Canada. Most of that team has been in place since January 2010, and has since been directly involved in Paragon’s ongoing development work.
Our senior management has the wide range of research, operations, and/or finance experience across most sectors related to energy and power generation to make this commercial development possible. This team provides scientific research, project planning & development, technology RD&D, engineering strategy, fundraising, as well as the organization of management, engineering, business development, and technical teams.
The abbreviated bios below highlight respective activities as relate to Paragon’s Power projects. To review full bios of Paragon Power’s Management and Advisory team, please click on the names below:
Sam Bock oversees concept development, R&D, and commercialization operations related to Paragon’s power projects. Bock received a degree in Economics and Environmental Science from Middlebury College in 1982. His study of particle physics and chemistry led to his proposing that electrons orbit the atomic nucleus in distinct predictable pathways, essentially 2-dimensional planes, creating super electric currents and powerful magnetic fields that define atomic electron structure, better explain atomic bonding, and explain noble gas structure (see Theoretical Physics and Chemistry below). This proposal has recently been shown to be correct, and is one part of a larger theory and supporting research data developed by a ground breaking research-physicist who is the owner of a company now affiliated with Paragon. This new theory, and the research data and power systems it has generated, is the basis for the revolutionary low-cost non-polluting power systems that he and his company’s team have developed, and that Paragon is now helping to commercialize.
Mr. Bock’s college research work also led to his thesis - a technical and economic analysis of the roles oil & gas, coal, nuclear, solar, wind, and other technologies in meeting North America's energy needs. That technical analysis of nuclear power plant systems pointed out inherent design problems related to excessive ionizing radiation and accelerated metal fatigue in reactor vessels and heat exchanger systems used in most plant designs in the United States, and predicted the unforeseen & accelerated decline of the North American nuclear power industry due to these fundamental design flaws. Mr. Bock then worked on Wall Street and in Denver in utility & energy-related project finance for 4 years, prior to initially founding Paragon Technologies Ltd., an RD&D and consulting company, that became ParagonSciences Ltd in 2011.
Mr. Bock brings comprehensive economic, scientific, and technology development expertise related to energy production & emissions and their effects on government & corporate economics, world climate, the food chain, and human & environmental health. Today Paragon is using its technical capability to develop a range of advanced energy infrastructures & public policy initiatives necessary to increase power plant efficiencies, eliminate climate effects, and detoxify the environment of heavy metals and other pollutants.
George Thorpe (Paragon Engineering & Planning) is involved in Paragon’s technology analysis & engineering planning at every turn. He has very extensive project management & R&D experience both in private industry, and previously with the Alberta Research Council (ARC) and Canada’s National Research Council (NRC). He has been involved in all aspects of Paragon’s power systems development since January 2009.
Michael Smith (Past Chairman, Ross Smith Energy Group - RSEG) has been partnered with Paragon specifically on its new power projects since July 2009, and is well known in Canada’s energy industry. The founder of RSEG, Mr. Smith and his company provided independent, in depth technical and economic analysis of publicly traded Canadian energy companies to major institutional clients across North America. Mr. Smith contributes his years of experience in the energy sector to Paragon’s economic and market analyses and helps secure leading project partners and investors for Paragon’s energy projects.
Daryl Fridhandler is Paragon’s legal counsel and has extensive experience and presence in Canada’s energy industry and political circles. He is deeply involved in many civic duties and also helped set up the $1.1B Sustainable Technology Development Canada in 2003 for the Canadian Government. Mr. Fridhandler began work with the Paragon team on this project in July 2009.
Norman Chow (Paragon Engineering & Planning) is President & owner of Kemetco Research Inc. Mr. Chow and his team are world leaders in the development and engineering of a wide range of applied catalytic chemistry technologies, first with the innovative programs Mr. Chow helped build at BC Research Inc., and now with his Kemetco team in private industry. Kemetco and Paragon are coordinating the validation and development of Paragon’s power technology.
David Meyer is President & owner of the Aerotech Group of Companies in Calgary. Aerotech has been building highly specialized custom & heavy equipment for many different oil and heavy industry applications for 25 years. Mr. Meyer provides his extensive manufacturing consulting experience and a full range of fabrication services to Paragon. He has been involved in the planning of the Paragon’s power systems since April 2009.
Paragon has produced surprising but highly compelling research showing that climate change is being primarily driven by various carbon soots in air pollution rather than Green House Gases. It has also helped show that the world’s most serious environmental problem is related to growing radioactive element and heavy metal pollution being released by the burning of coal, diesel and other heavy oils.
Paragon’s ground-breaking research efforts investigate complex interdisciplinary issues related to related to physics, environmental, medical, and climate science.
Paragon’s environmental & medical research is helping to uncover the causes of many diseases and afflictions facing the world today, and has been used by the Canadian Government’s Senate Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources to help convince the Senate to pass a recommendation requiring the annual review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. (see below)
Paragon is also a world leader in providing new research and analysis related to climate science data, and from that, compelling new analysis showing that carbon-based soots are the climate forcers that actually appear to be driving the observed climate change.
While there is little doubt that the burning of carbon fuels is driving rapidly accelerating climate change, Paragon's research and data analysis strongly indicates that soot-based particulates from air pollution, generated primarily from coal-fired power plants, diesel transportation, and biomass pollution appear to cause multiple warming and atmospheric effects that explain the extreme warming of certain polar and glacial regions not predicted by Green House Gas theory. This is supported by hundreds of peer-reviewed studies showing the effects of soot and other particulates on climate.
Paragon's 2005 analysis of that data further indicates fluctuations in regional soot generation may be responsible for most of the observed regional warming and cooling effects seen around the globe over the past 150 years. A wide range of data sources all consistently indicate that much of the current warming and extreme weather events are primarily driven by soot particulates in air pollution from Asia and other highly polluted regions, and not by anthropogenic CO2 and other Green House Gases.
The same data analysis further indicates theoretical GHG warming models are not correct, as the observed warming is happening in a vastly different manner than that predicted by mainstream GHG theory. That data analysis further and strongly raises questions as to whether increasing CO2 levels are actually generating any warming at all, although the data does indicate CO2 is affecting ocean chemistries, and could be affecting atmospheric moisture levels.
(The burning of coal, diesel, and other heavier oil products is also contributing to the most serious environmental problem today, and rapidly growing world-wide neurological and other health problems as a result — including skyrocketing autism rates — which have been conclusively shown to be related to exposure / proximity to radioactive element and heavy metals toxicity released by the combustion of such fuels).
So why are there still so few discussing these critically important research developments in the media today? The reason is that these discoveries are still very recent and have yet to filter down to the mainstream media.
Unbeknownst to many, 2007 was a pivotal year in Humankind’s understanding of climate science, and most importantly of our understanding of those “climate forcers” driving climate change.
Until then, for the previous 25 years, air pollution and brown carbon soot had been thought to cause atmospheric cooling. This theory first began to develop in 1982 when Israeli researchers conclusively showed that air pollution was blocking the arrival of sunlight to crops, causing dimming. At that point atmospheric scientists had only researched the light-absorbing characteristics of brown soots across the visible spectrum of sunlight — and found that brown soot didn’t absorb the visible spectrum. (However visible light is only a tiny part of the full spectrum of incoming sunlight — and these scientists didn’t consider independently testing the effects of UV light on Brown Carbon soot.) Climate scientists therefore assumed that the pollution, and the high levels of brown carbon soot it contains, must be reflecting all that light back to space, causing the dimming, and thereby a reflective cooling effect — but they were wrong.
This was first indicated in 2005 when Paragon’s analysis of NASA GISS historical world temperature data — and the decadal regional temperature changes seen — showed that regional pollution was warming affected areas, not cooling them.
Then in 2007, a still little known and unexpected research finding conclusively showed that rather than reflecting all light, the brown carbon soot in air pollution absorbs and converts high energy UV light into heat. That new information, along with the correlation seen between the large fluctuations in the summer melting trends seen in the Arctic and corresponding economic data indicating fluctuations in Asian pollution output, all strongly indicate that rapidly rising soot emissions of dark carbonaceous particulate are causing both (1) rapidly increasing warming of specific regional atmospheres & snowpacks; and (2) draught & flooding, in part by altering rain droplet formation in clouds in those polluted regions.1,2,3
Please see Paragon’s comprehensive analysis of mainstream climate research. It contains many other sources of scientific data, temperature data, and weather and economic data showing that fluctuating levels of soot pollution have driven most of the observed climate change seen since the invention of the steam engine.
The following is a list of significant environmental and climate research contributions made by Sam Bock, Paragon’s Director of Research.
In 1999, Bock’s research testimony before the Canadian Government’s Senate Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources helped convince the Senate to pass a recommendation requiring the annual review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, as seen in government transcripts.
Then in 2004, using metabolic tissue testing of married couples, Bock was one of the first researchers to effectively demonstrate that specific nutrient consumption modulates human genetic expression and health in specific manners, regardless of a person’s individual genetic make-up.
In 2003 Paragon began its intensive review of the latest climate data to best determine viable energy technology, government policy, and financing solutions to counter the global climate problem. By 2006 that research yielded surprising conclusions, when Bock became the first to grasp and report the full extent of unexpected and extreme regional & planetary warming being driven by particulate air pollution, and that un-burnt fuels in carbonaceous soots have caused much of the unanticipated and rapid climate fluctuations seen over the past century.
Shortly thereafter Bock would make another discovery showing that soot increases warming by enhancing water vapour green house potential. Water vapour is the primary green house gas in a normal, or unpolluted, atmosphere, and is thought to be responsible for about 89% of an unpolluted atmosphere’s natural Green House effect (Jacobson 2002). However, since 2000 multiple studies have firmly established that soot significantly prevents normal cloud formation, by preventing the accumulating water vapour in clouds from coalescing into larger rain drops (Rosenfeld / NOAA 2000). In 2007 Bock was first to recognize that soot’s water-dispersing nature, results in clouds with a larger number of smaller droplets, and that this would increase the number and ratio of near-surface area atoms in those clouds. As the near-surface area atoms of water droplets are the ones that absorb and reflect most radiation, an increase in the number and ratio of near surface atoms is cloud droplets must therefore dramatically enhance the heat absorbing “Green House” capacity of those clouds and their atmospheric water vapour content. As such Bock is conclusively able to show that soot must dramatically enhance be the Green House effect of a given amount of water vapour. (see Theoretical Physics and Chemistry)
In 2008, using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), Bock’s research recognized and demonstrated the accelerating affects of coal soot, (and the mercury and other heavy metal pollution it contains) on water systems and the fish, animals, and humans consuming them.
In 2010 ENMAX Corporation of Calgary used Paragon’s climate and environment research to demonstrate the toxic heavy metal issues and regional & global warming effects related to black & brown carbon particulates, volatile metal, and other emissions related to coal burning, thereby helping convince Canadian Environment Minister Jim Prentice and the Canadian government to phase out coal-fired generation plants in Canada.